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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

India holiday visitors offer strong potential for New Zealand

The India market is showing significant potential for New Zealand to increase high-quality visitation that will support ongoing industry recovery, says Angela Blair, Tourism New Zealand’s General Manager International.

In 2023 total arrivals from India increased 124% on 2019 numbers. Arrivals coming to New Zealand for a holiday are at 63% recovery. The India market also demonstrated strong growth pre-Covid, with total arrivals in 2019 at 66,775.

“Tourism is critical to New Zealand's economy – it’s our second biggest export earner and Tourism New Zealand is focused on attracting high quality visitors to support New Zealand’s recovery. “

“High quality visitors contribute positively beyond the economic, they benefit our environment, culture and society too. Visitors from India are considered high-quality, often travelling in New Zealand’s shoulder seasons; Autumn and Spring, to a range of regions and staying an average of 13 days.”

“Holiday visitors from India also have some of the highest spend per visit of all our markets, an average of NZ$5324 per visit, third highest behind visitors from UK and Germany.

Tourism New Zealand research shows that there is around 16.4 million people in India actively considering a holiday to New Zealand.

“With strong levels of appeal for New Zealand and a high number of those people with New Zealand at the top of their holiday wish list, India is an attractive opportunity for Tourism New Zealand. We are focused on converting interest into bookings and supporting discussion around a direct airline connection between India and New Zealand,” concludes Angela Blair.

Consumer research shows that New Zealand can offer the kind of holiday that Indian visitors are looking for, including adventure activities, wildlife experiences, and visitors wanting to enjoy our natural landscapes through scenic flights, walks and cycling.